
In the event you are still unable to get across to the volunteers in our database, you may kindly contact us on the helpline numbers 3000921 or 7774481. Kindly sms if the phone is busy or not reachable. We will also try from our side to contact the volunteers and get back to you regarding the availability.
You can share the word regarding this site and also vice your views and comments and follow us on or follow us on Twitter - @BloodMaldives
Users of this site will also be able to suggest this site to a friend of yours  and encourage him or her to be a volunteer donor. This way you will help spread the objective of this site mucg faster. All that you have to do is to write your friend's email address on our home page and the rest will be done by us. An email will be sent to the person you have suggested encouraging them to become a volunteer donor.
As described in the previous sections is a website primarily aimed at providing a database of active donors of the various groups of blood. While you will be able to access the site from anywhere in the world, we have made it possible to filter the donors atoll-wise so that needy patients in each atoll will be able to have a ready list of willing donors in their own atoll or island.